Picture | MW | Type | Beschreibung | Kategorie | Hersteller | Ref-Nr. |
GE Frame 6
130 MW, complete GE combined cycle power plant, consisting of 2 x Frame 6 C Gas Turbine Packages, 1 Steam Turbine and 2 HRSG, 50 Hz, 11,5 KV. | Gas- und Dampfturbinen | GE |
GT 436
Gas- and Steam Turbine PP
GE Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Power Plant, consisting of 2 GE-LM Gas Turbines, 2 Steam Turbines and 3 HRSG. Full EPC. | Gas- und Dampfturbinen | GE |
GE- LM 6000 and LM 2500
GE Combined Cycle Power Plant, consiting of 2 GE LM Gas Turbines, 1 Siemens Steam Turbine, 1 ABB Steam Turbine and 2 HRSG. | Gas- und Dampfturbinen | GE |
GT 429
GE LM 6000 PC
GE LM 6000 PC Combined Cycle Power Plant | Gas- und Dampfturbinen | GE |
GE Frame 6 B
GE Frame 6B CC Power Plants in Four Locations | Gas- und Dampfturbinen | GE |
GE-LM 2500 PE
GE-Combined Cycle Power Plant for sale, consisting of 1 GE-LM Gas Turbine, 1 Siemens Steam Turbines and 1 HRSG. | Gas- und Dampfturbinen | GE |
GT 433
Frame 6B
4 units GE-Frame 6 B, Dual Fuel, including HRSG and Steam Turbine, complete Plant | Gas- und Dampfturbinen | General Electric |
GT 395
Frame 9E
GE FRame 9 Gas Turbine, including 1 Steam Turbine, complete Plant | Gas- und Dampfturbinen | General Electric |
GT 393